Reasons for Traveling

Travel is the movement of people between relatively distant geographical locations, and can involve travel by foot, bicycle, automobile, train, boat, airplane, or other means, with or without luggage, and can be one way or round trip. Travel can also include relatively short stays between successive movements.

The origin of the word “travel” is most likely lost to history. The term “travel” may originate from the Old French word travail. According to the Merriam Webster dictionary, the first known use of the word travel was in the 14th century. Today, travel may or may not be much easier depending upon the destination you choose (i.e., Mt. Everest, the Amazon rainforest), how you plan to get there (tour bus, cruise ship, or oxcart), and whether or not you decide to “rough it (see extreme tourism and adventure travel). Continue Reading

Crazy Trip

This is where the unprecedented expedition took place for the Element Wolfeboro Authentech campaign. It is a trip Element team rider Karsten Kleppan will always remember - skateboarding in the midst of stunning scenery, facing freezing temperatures where polar bears wander and days never end. Continue Reading

One Way Ticket

This is an example of a WordPress post, you could edit this to put information about yourself or your site so readers know where you are coming from. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century. This is required when, for example, the final text is not yet available.

You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century. This is required when, for example, the final text is not yet available. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century. This is required when, for example, the final text is not yet available. Continue Reading

Yacht Adventure

A yacht is a recreational boat or ship. The term originated from the Dutch Jacht meaning “hunt”. It was originally defined as a light fast sailing vessel used by the Dutch navy to pursue pirates and other transgressors around and into the shallow waters of the Low Countries. After its selection by Charles II of England as the vessel to carry him to Britain from Holland for his restoration, it came to be used to mean a vessel used to convey important persons.

In modern use the term designates two rather different classes of watercraft, sailing and power boats. Yachts are different from working ships mainly by their leisure purpose, and it was not until the rise of the steamboat and other types of powerboat that sailing vessels in general came to be perceived as luxury, or recreational vessels. Later the term came to encompass motor boats for primarily private pleasure purposes as well. Continue Reading

History of Architecture

In Ancient Egypt and other early societies, people believed in the omnipotence of Gods, with many aspects of daily life were carried out with respect to the idea of the divine or supernatural and the way it was manifest in the mortal cycles of generations, years, seasons, days and nights. Harvests for example were seen as the benevolence of fertility deities. Thus, the founding and ordering of the city and her most important buildings (the palace or temple) were often executed by priests or even the ruler himself and the construction was accompanied by rituals intended to enter human activity into continued divine benediction.

Ancient architecture is characterized by this tension between the divine and mortal world. Cities would mark a contained sacred space over the wilderness of nature outside, and the temple or palace continued this order by acting as a house for the gods. The architect, be he priest or king, was not the sole important figure; he was merely part of a continuing tradition. Continue Reading

My Summer Vacation

Summer is the warmest of the four temperate seasons, falling between spring and autumn. At the summer solstice, the days are longest and the nights are shortest, with day-length decreasing as the season progresses after the solstice. The date of the beginning of summer varies according to climate, culture, and tradition, but when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere, and vice versa.

Summer is traditionally associated with hot dry weather, but this does not occur in all regions. In areas of the tropics and subtropics, the wet season occurs during the summer. The wet season is the main period of vegetation growth within the savanna climate regime. Where the wet season is associated with a seasonal shift in the prevailing winds, it is known as a monsoon. Continue Reading

Sunday Morning

You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century. This is required when, for example, the final text is not yet available. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. This is an example of a WordPress post.

This is an example of a WordPress post. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. This is required when, for example, the final text is not yet available. You can create as many posts as you like in order to share with your readers what is on your mind. Continue Reading